4 research outputs found

    Contribution of strategic information distribution to the decision making processes - an empirical

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    As an organizational asset, data is one of the great sources of competitive advantage of organizations, so that its publication and storageg, aligned with the organizations\u27 strategic and operational metrics, has become a matter of great discussion and concern among decision makers. This study aims to carry out a study about the contributions of the strategic distribution of information to decision-making processes in organizations. The methodology used, of an exploratory qualitative nature, applied the study of multiple cases, through the collection and analysis of data from semi-structured interviews with several employees of organizations that use tools for collecting, processing and disseminating information. The research shows how the information and technologies applied to its treatment collaborate with decision-making processe

    Business Intelligence’s Contribution to Decision Making Processes – An Empirical

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    The function of information and its management technologies in decision-making processes has undergone constant evolution over time, aligned with the strategic goals of organizations, leading the company to its objectives, united efforts, internal and external measures for its fulfillment. This study aims to identify the contribution of business intelligence in the distribution of information in a strategic way, in decision-making processes within companies. The methodology is presented as a qualitative exploratory research using bibliographic procedures, using a multiple case study strategy, with data collection processes through semi-structured interviews with employees of medium and large companies. size of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which adopt business intelligence solutions and software in their corporate activity and data analysis is done through content analysis. The research highlights business intelligence as a tool for distributing information strategically in decision-making processes within companies

    O RPG como alternativa lúdica para o ensino da filosofia

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Este relato discute o trabalho científico-pedagógico ora em desenvolvimento com alunos do 1o ano do ensino médio do Colégio Visconde de Guarapuava. Refere-se à possibilidade de, neste grau,ensinar filosofia de forma lúdica, tornando assim mais fluente o seu aprendizado. O trabalho parte da hipótese que aprender filosofia de forma lúdica é possível; o que pode ser feito através do Role Playing Game (RPG), cuja estruturação se baseia na forma de uma aventura. O RPG consiste basicamente em três atos, que são compostos por cenas e turnos. Devido a sua facilidade e por ser uma forma divertida, diferente e inovadora de se ensinar, o RPG possibilita uma melhor adequação do ensino de filosofia e, ao mesmo tempo, um aprendizado mais eficaz e descontraído. O relato discute ainda a necessidade da elaboração de um sistema de regras genéricas de RPG, de modo a contribuir para as diversas maneiras de sua adaptação e aplicação em sala de aul